2.了解celine dion的来
3.谁知道《The Power Of Dream》的英文歌词?
《Summon the Heroes》
《The Power Of The Dream》
《Return to innocence》
了解celine dion的来
第二张英语专辑:Celine Dion(1992)
第三张英语专辑:The Colour of My Love(1993)
第四张英语专辑:Falling into You(1996)
第五张英语专辑:Let's Talk About Love(1997)
第六张英语专辑:圣诞节专辑--These Are Special Times.(1998)
第七张是她在暂退歌坛的新歌加精选:All the Way...(A Decade of Songs).(1999)
然后:The Collector's Series, Vol. 1 (不光是精选,首支曲目The Power of the Dream是96年奥运会的主题曲,还有就是All by Myself的西班牙语版)
然后是:A New Day Has Come.(2002)
然后:One Heart(2003)
再说她的现场,可以说,Celine Dion的现场总是惊人,他很喜欢做跨大陆巡回演唱会的,场场发挥稳定。但主要的有:
Celine Dion - The Colour of My Love Concert (1993)
Celine Dion - A l'Olympia (1994)
Celine Dion - Live In Memphis (1996)
Celine Dion - Live à Paris by (1996)
Celine Dion - Au Coeur Du Stade (1999)这是她暂退歌坛的演唱会
退出之后她在美国的的凯撒宫里驻唱,正版发行的演唱会:Celine Dion - A New Day...Live In Las Vegas其中“You & I”作为单曲发行。
1.The Early Singles
2.Les Indispensables
3.The French Album
4.1 File & 4 Types
5.S'il Suffisait D'Aimer
6.Dion Chante Plamondon
7.C'est Pour Vivre
8.Collection 1982-1988
10.Des Mots Qui Sonnent
12.Gold, Vol. 1
13.Classique: A Love Collection
14.Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi
15.For You
16.Les Premières Années
还有就是现在她在2007和一大帮牛人歌星们出的合辑(也就是给**配乐大师Ennio Morricone献上的一份礼物)中唱了一首I knew I loved you.07年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上她唱了这首歌。同时,Celine Dion也成为了在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上献唱最多的艺人(我听说是这样的,到底是不是我有点不确定呀,有人说她是五次在奥斯卡上献唱,有一次是帮Barbara Streisand献唱的)。
Celine Dion是一个很传统的歌手,她一般都会把单曲放入专辑的,单曲我没有再发到这里,如果她没发行的单曲,可能会在演员会上出现的。
谁知道《The Power Of Dream》的英文歌词?
The Power Of Dream
歌手:Celine Dion
Celine Dion - The Power Of The Dream
Sung at the Opening of the Centennial Olympic Games 1996, Atlanta USA.
Deep within each heart
There lies a magic spark
That lights the fire of our imagination
And since the dawn of man
The strength of just I can ?
Has brought together people of all nations
There's nothing ordinary
In the living of each day
There's a special part
Everyone of us will play
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
As the world gives us its best
To stand apart from all the rest
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You'll find your fate is all your own creation
And every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
There's so much strength in all of us
Every woman, child and man
It's the moment that you think you can't
You'll discover that you can
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
To realize the power of the dream
To realize the power of the dream
这首歌的演唱者是美国的古巴裔拉丁歌手伊斯特芬。他于1957年出生在古巴的哈瓦那,后来随父母移民到了美国。伊斯特芬是个有才华的歌手,并且天生有一副好嗓子,他不但是美国拉丁流行乐天后,同时还是迈哈密大学的心理学学士。在当年被称为拉丁流行天后。在美国有这样的说法:任何一封信,只要在信封上写上Gloria Estefan,USA,就能被准确地寄到她本人手中。
1990年,正当歌唱事业如日中天的时候,Gloria Estefan意外遭遇车祸,脊椎折断,心理也产生阴影,事业因此搁浅一年,但她很快挺了过来,并于1991年发行新专辑《into the light》,随后佳绩连连,1996年,当她放歌亚特兰大奥运开幕式,万人仰慕时,一般观众很难想到,完全是靠植于脊椎左右的两根8英寸的钛棒支持,她才站起来的!
词曲:黛安?沃伦 & 格罗利娅?伊斯特芬
演唱:Cloria Eastfan(格罗利娅?伊斯特芬 )
Some dreams live on in time forever
Those dreams, you want with all your heart
And I'll do whatever it takes
Follow through with the promise I made
Put it all on the line
What I hoped for at last would be mine
If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky
From that one moment in my life
I'm gonna be stronger
Know that I've tried my very best
I'd put my spirit to the test
If I could reach
Some days are meant to be remembered
Those days we rise above the stars
So I'll go the distance this time
Seeing more the higher I climb
That the more I believe
All the more that this dream will be mine
If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky
From that one moment in my life
I'm gonna be stronger
Know that I've tried my very best
I'd put my spirit to the test
If I could reach
If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky
I'm goona be stronger
From that one moment in my life
I'm gonna be so much stronger yes I am
Know that I've tried my very best
I'd put my spirit to the test
If I could reach higher
If I could, If I could
If I could reach
Reach, I'd reach, I'd reach
I'd reach' I'd reach so much higher
Be stronger
style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">谁知道96年亚特兰大奥运会官方宣传《回到纯真》的歌谁唱的?
回到纯真》是1996年亚特兰大奥运会宣传片歌曲,也被译为《返璞归真》。许多人会对它的旋律感到非常熟悉,特别是那几句“啊呀啊呀啊……”。其实,这首歌早在1993年就推出了, 是Enigma乐团撷取中国台湾老人饮酒歌的原音后创作出来的,一经推出,销售量达到惊人的数百万张,遗憾的是没有任何人知道美丽的旋律竟是来自台湾,是来自台湾阿美族的郭英男,而这个风潮直到1996年,亚特兰大奥运使用为宣导片主题曲之後,引爆世界性原住民音乐著作及权益的争议话题,来自四方的关注霎时涌入,这也使得郭英男再度成为舆论的焦点。但是不管怎么说,《Return To Innocence》已经流传全世界。
Return To Innocence-回到纯真 (1996年亚特兰大奥运歌曲)